News Archive


  • Oct 24: Welcome Mahmut Levent Doğan, who just joined as a postdoctoral researcher to work on our ERC project on “Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation”.

  • Sep 24: Our faculty has an opening for a Professorship in Quantum Computing. Please see the job ad for more information and consider applying!

  • Sep 24: We are very pleased that the BMBF project “Quantum Optimization Solver Kit” (QuSol) was approved.

  • May 24: We have two papers accepted at CRYPTO’24, one at TQC’24 and one at CCC’24.

  • May 24: PhD lectures on Quantum Information at Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP) 2024. See here for material.

  • Apr 24: Welcome to Alex Kulpe, who just joined our group as a CASA PhD student on the Fundamental Research Project “Robust Certification of Quantum Devices”.

  • Feb 24: We organized a Minisymposium on Quantum Optimization and Geometry at CWI, Amsterdam.

  • Jan 24: Congratulations, Dr. Harold Nieuwboer, for obtaining your PhD. We wish you all the best for your postdoc at Copenhagen!

  • Jan 24: We have three papers accepted at QIP’24.


  • Dec 23: A total of 289 students from over 100 high schools worldwide participated in our web class Quantum Quest. More than 40 students from Germany successfully completed the course, earning a certificate and some of them even a special prize. Congratulations to all participants!

  • Nov 23: We organized a one-day workshop, with a fantastic set of speakers, covering recent directions in quantum information, algorithms, complexity, and cryptography.

  • Nov 23: Welcome Maxim van den Berg, who just started his PhD to work on our ERC project on “Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation”.

  • Oct 23: Welcome Massimo Ostuzzi, who just started his PhD as part of the Marie Curie Doctoral Network “Quantum-Safe Internet”.

  • Oct 23: This year, we are running another edition of our web class The Quantum Quest – in collaboration with QuSoft, the University of Amsterdam, and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences. We invite all students interested in quantum computing to participate!

  • Jun 23: Welcome Simon Schmidt, who just joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher!

  • Apr 23: Welcome to three new group members! Amalia Böttger will be working on a Master’s project on quantum algorithms. Luca Witt will be working on a Bachelor’s project and join the QuBRA project. Vladimir Lysikov just joined as a postdoctoral researcher to work on our ERC project on “Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation”.

  • Feb 23: Welcome Tianwei Zhang, who just joined our group as a CASA PhD student to work on the CASA Fundamental Research Project “Cryptography in Light of Quantum Information”.

  • Feb 23: Welcome to our team, Janine Hein!

  • Jan 23: Congratulations Freek Witteveen for being awarded the Stieltjesprijs for the best PhD thesis in Mathematics in the Netherlands. Freek obtained his PhD in our group with a thesis on “Quantum information theory and many-body physics”.

  • Jan 23: Welcome Samuel Crew, who just joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher!


  • Aug 22: Welcome Anurudh Peduri, who just joined our group as a PhD student as part of the QuBRA team!

  • Aug 22: Together with Andris Ambainis and David Gross, we organized a Bad Honnef School on “Quantum Computing” (August 14-19, 2022) with a fantastic lineup of speakers. See here for more information and material.

  • Jun 22: Together with Giulio Malavolta, we started organizing the Theory Colloquium. The talks in this series highlight exciting areas of current theoretical computer science research. All interested parties are cordially invited!

  • May 22: Very pleased about the start of our ERC Starting Grant on “Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation”. We’re still hiring!

  • Jan 22: Our BMBF project QuBRA is starting. We’re hiring!