Chair for Quantum Information - Michael Walter

In our research group we explore the implications of quantum mechanics on the theory of computing. Quantum computers do not simply compute faster, but operate using completely different principles than ordinary “classical” computers - this requires completely new ideas. In addition, we investigate interdisciplinary applications of quantum information to problems in other areas of computer science, mathematics, and theoretical physics. We cordially invite you to get to know our international team and to learn more about our research.

How To Get Started?


  • May 2024: We have two papers accepted at CRYPTO’24, one at TQC’24 and one at CCC’24.

  • Apr 2024: Welcome to two new group members! Alex Kulpe just joined our group as a CASA PhD student on the Fundamental Research Project “Robust Certification of Quantum Devices”. Stefan Hoffmann joined our group as an IT technician.

  • Feb 2024: We organized a Minisymposium on Quantum Optimization and Geometry at CWI, Amsterdam.

  • Jan 2024: Congratulations, Dr. Harold Nieuwboer, for obtaining your PhD. We wish you all the best for your postdoc at Copenhagen!

  • Jan 2024: We have three papers accepted at QIP’24.

  • Dec 2023: A total of 289 students from over 100 high schools worldwide participated in our web class Quantum Quest. More than 40 students from Germany successfully completed the course, earning a certificate and some of them even a special prize. Congratulations to all participants!

  • Nov 2023: We organized a one-day workshop, with a fantastic set of speakers, covering recent directions in quantum information, algorithms, complexity, and cryptography.

  • Nov 2023: Welcome Maxim van den Berg, who just started his PhD to work on our ERC project on “Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation”.

  • Oct-Dec 2023: This year, we are running another edition of our web class The Quantum Quest – in collaboration with QuSoft, the University of Amsterdam, and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences. We invite all students interested in quantum computing to participate!

  • Oct 2023: Welcome Massimo Ostuzzi, who just started his PhD as part of the Marie Curie Doctoral Network “Quantum-Safe Internet”.

  • June 2023: Welcome Simon Schmidt, who just joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher!

  • April 2023: Welcome to three new group members! Amalia Böttger will be working on a Master’s project on quantum algorithms. Luca Witt will be working on a Bachelor’s project and join the QuBRA project. Vladimir Lysikov just joined as a postdoctoral researcher to work on our ERC project on “Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation”.

  • Feb 2023: Welcome to our team, Janine Hein!

  • Feb 2023: Welcome Tianwei Zhang, who just joined our group as a CASA PhD student to work on the CASA Fundamental Research Project “Cryptography in Light of Quantum Information”.

  • Jan 2023: Congratulations Freek Witteveen for being awarded the Stieltjesprijs for the best PhD thesis in Mathematics in the Netherlands. Freek obtained his PhD in our group with a thesis on “Quantum information theory and many-body physics”.

  • Jan 2023: Welcome Samuel Crew, who just joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher!

  • Aug 2022: Welcome Anurudh Peduri, who just joined our group as a PhD student as part of the QuBRA team!

  • Aug 2022: Together with Andris Ambainis and David Gross, we organized a Bad Honnef School on “Quantum Computing” (August 14-19, 2022) with a fantastic lineup of speakers. See here for more information and material.

  • June 2022: Together with Giulio Malavolta, we started organizing the Theory Colloquium. The talks in this series highlight exciting areas of current theoretical computer science research. All interested parties are cordially invited!

  • May 2022: Very pleased about the start of our ERC Starting Grant on “Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation”. We’re still hiring!

  • Jan 2022: Our BMBF project QuBRA is starting. We’re hiring!